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50 Best Small Scale Business ideas in Nigeria for 2019


50 Best Small Scale Business ideas in Nigeria for 2019

Some people may think that having a capital is the biggest challenge in setting up a business. But come to think of it this way, if you do not have the idea of what business will fit you and how much you will be making out of the business, then what is the essence of your capital?

Once you have an idea of what business you intend to start, it is now time to start doing feasibility study about the business, and what would be required legally. After you might have done that, then go ahead and develop a good business plan and strategy, if you cannot do that yourself you can always hire a professional to do it for you.

You can now see that having a good business idea is mandatory if you want to succeed in your business. So as an entrepreneur or a small business owner that you want to become, business idea should come into your mind first before sourcing for capital. This article will list some of the businesses that you can venture into in this 2019 and make good profits. Here is the list of 50 Best Small Scale Business ideas in Nigeria for 2019;

  1. Raw Food Stuff Business

Raw Foodstuff business is one of the businesses that can fetch you good profit. This is because many Nigerian prefers to eat the food they cook themselves to the ones cooked in the fast-food joints. Some of the raw foodstuff that is marketable in Nigeria is garri, rice, plantain, beans, yam, palm oil, etc.

  1. Call Card Business

Call Card Business is known to many as recharge card selling business. Considering the Nigeria population that is over 180 million people, more than half of the country’s population has their own phone. In this business, the markets demands are high and you will definitely gain the profits that you desire.

  1. Daycare Business

Many women do not just sit down and fold their hands after giving birth, most of them do look for work to do in order to support the family, especially the working class women, that is where daycare business comes in. but before venturing in this profitable business, you have to develop a passion of loving to be around kids.

  1. Dry Cleaning Business

Dry cleaning or laundry business as known to many is the most considered business when the idea of starting a business comes to people mind in Nigeria. This is because many people have works to do, and their work comes with stress so they just give laundrymen their cloths to take care of while they continue with their own business.

  1. Restaurant Business

Restaurant business is another business in this list to be looked into. There are many restaurant in every city of Nigeria, some places that also have restaurants includes schools, offices, etc. if you know that you can cook what people will like very well, why not invest in this business? Remember that the taste of your meals will determine the number of customers that will patronize you.

  1. Car Rental Business

Car rental business is another profitable business in this list, this is because many people will need to rent a car for various activities such as moving from one resident to another, for wedding ceremony, for transporting their goods, etc. and this are done on a daily basis. All you need to start this business is doing research about how this business can be best run.

  1. Bakery Business

Bakery business is one of the businesses that have continued thriving in Nigeria over years. This is because of the rate at which people, both younger ones and older ones consume baked goods. All you need to start this business is going for baking training, and then you can start your own baking business.

  1. Hamper Business

Hamper business is another business that has been performing well in Nigeria. People that will definitely do well in this business are the ones that have passion for gifts. It is left for you to decide whether you will be assembling your hampers by yourself or will be selling the ones that are already assembled.

  1. Film Production Business

As it is now, Nollywood is among the biggest movie industries in the world. People loves watching movies especially during their relaxation time, that is where the demands for movie comes in. People that are into movie production gain a lot of profit, especially if you offer people what they like. You can start your own film production business without having any degree.

  1. Graphics Design Business

Graphics design business is among the most sort after business not only in Nigeria, but worldwide. Anyone can go into this business, but it is advisable to be passionate about any business before going into it. All you need to start this business is to get trained in the field of graphics design, after your training, you can apply your own intuition to the business and then start your Graphics design business.

  1. Phone Repair Business

A good number of the Nigerian populations have phones. They will need people that will fix their phone in case of necessity. The market demand for this business is very high, as a phone repairer, huge profit awaits you! All you need to start this business is to learn the skills of phone repairing before venturing into the business.

  1. Gym Business

Because of some diseases that have continued to damage the human health, many people resolve into going to gym to stay fit, Nigerians are not left out. Some people do go to gym because they have passion for developing their muscle. Before starting this business, you have to be passionate about developing your body, then go for fitness training before starting your own gym business.

  1. Wine Bar Business

Wine bar business is one of the most successful businesses in Nigeria, especially in the cities. Before establishing a wine bar business, you have to be sure that you have passion for it, and you have to choose a good location for your business.

  1. Internet Radio Business

Internet radio business is a radio business that is carried out on a computer system. Before you venture into this business, you have to be sure that what you are going to discuss will be welcomed by your audience.

  1. Transport Business

Transportation business is on high demand here in Nigeria. This is because people do go to work or move around on a daily basis. They need the service of transporters. Therefore, going into this business will fetch you a reasonable amount of profit.

  1. Jewelry Line Business

Jewelry line business is all about having a trusted and reliable supplier. After having a reliable supplier, you are then set for this business.

  1. Mobile car wash Business

Mobile car wash business is also another business that someone can look into. It is all about going to where you will see cars such as garages, driveways, and parking lot. The interesting part of this business is that you can start with buying cheap tools and supplies for your business.

  1. Party Rental Business

Party rental business is a good and profitable business in Nigeria, this is because so many people like party and turn ups. Starting a party rental business will help you to rent out equipment that will be needed for party.

  1. Pizza Delivery business

Pizza delivery business is one of the businesses that can fetch you huge profits in a short period of time. It is all about delivering pizzas to customers, you can even charge per delivery.

  1. Nursing Home Business

Nursing home business is a profitable business in Nigeria; this is because of the rise in population of aged people.

  1. Poultry farm Business

Poultry farm business is a very profitable business. This is because the business involves raising and marketing of livestock. There are many sections in poultry farming such as broilers; this section is responsible for rising of chicken for meat, layers; this section is responsible for rising of chicken for the purpose of producing eggs.

  1. Cosmetics Business

Cosmetics business is among the profitable business in this list that one can look into. This is because many people want to look good. It is highly advisable to do proper research about this business before going into it.

  1. Microfinance Business

Microfinance business is another business that will fetch you a good profit. All what you need to do before going into this business is proper feasibility study and a good business plan.

  1. Tailoring Business

Tailoring business is also among the profitable business in this list. This is because there is no reasonable or sane person that can stay without wearing cloth. So, in this business you charge people for your service.

  1. Insurance Agency Business-: 

Insurance agency business is another profitable business in this list. This is because many people, especially companies are looking for their service.

  1. Tomato Farming Business

Tomato farming business does not require much capital to start, yet it is a very rewarding business. But before venturing into this business, you have to do some necessary findings such as, the type of tomato that people will like, where to get good seeds, the climate condition of where you want to grow you tomatoes, etc.

  1. Wood working Business

Wood working business is all about making wooden objects that can be used in so many areas such as furniture, decoration, etc. You will also need a proper planning and research before starting the business.

  1. Agricultural Business

Agricultural business is all about commercial farming or anything that relates to agriculture. When planning of starting an agricultural business, you have to do some findings about what really interests you in the business, and then you follow your passion.

  1. Fish farming Business

Fish farming business is another most profitable business in this list. This is because the rate of fish consumption in the country is very high. You can learn about this business either in a fish farm or on the internet.


  1. Organic farming Business

Organic farming business is another profitable business in Nigeria. This is because many people do go for organic products because of their health issues. So starting this business is not a bad choice, first of all do some research and gather information about this business before delving into it.

  1. Shipping Company

Shipping company unarguably is one of the most profitable businesses in Nigeria. However, this business will require a reasonable amount of capital. Aside from capital, you also have to do feasibility study and come up with a business plan and strategy.

  1. Real estate Investment Business

Real estate is indeed one of the respectable and profitable businesses in Nigeria. But before going into this business, you have to do proper planning and research about some necessary factors such as legal issues, the market demand, etc.

  1. Electronics Repair Business

Electronics repair business is a very profitable business that can be start with low capital. There is hardly a home in Nigeria that you will not see electronic devices, appliances or gadgets. That means, an electrician will be needed when there is a breakage or faults in electronic devices or appliances.

  1. Courier Service Business

Courier service business is all about carrying goods for people from one location to another and charging them fee. This business is very profitable, because many people have packages they would love to send to their loved ones, that is where the courier servicemen come in.

  1. Freelance Writing Business

Freelance writing business is another profitable online business where someone can hire you to do a particular task and then you get paid once you are done. The most interesting part of this work is that you can be doing it part time.

  1. Motherless Children’s Home Business

Motherless children are everywhere, and they are homeless, running a Motherless children home business can get you a good reward for you passion of helping helpless children. You will definitely get people that will be donating, you help the kids and also make some profit.

  1. Arts and Crafts Business

Arts and crafts business is also among the profitable businesses in this list. People love arts and they are willing to buy some of your works to decorate their room, school, offices, etc.

  1. Clothing Store

Clothing store as known to many as boutique is a place where people can go and buy their clothing materials such as clothes, shoes, bags, etc. Running this type of business will fetch you a reasonable amount of profit.

  1. Chiropractic Business

Chiropractic business is a very profitable business that has been around for a very long time. Before going into this business, you have to learn about the business and then develop your own business plan, and then you can start.

  1. Pest Control Business

Pest control business is a sure business that will yield a good profit. This business is all about destroying insects and animals that post threats residential property, farm, etc. Many people are in need of the service of pest controllers.

  1. Screen Printing Business

Screen printing business is a business that any person that is interested in making profits should go into. The more skilled you are in this business, the more customers and the more profit you will make in this business.

  1. Gaming Business

Many people are game freak, so starting a gaming business is opening the gate of wealth. But first, you have to learn from the people that are already into this business.

  1. Fabric Business

Fabric business is also profitable here in Nigeria. But before going into this business, you have to look for someone that has been in the business for a long time so as to guide you.

  1. Auto-Repair Shop

Auto-repair business is all about repairing vehicles; it is generally known as one of the most profitable business in Nigeria. You have to start at least as an apprentice in an auto shop, this will help you to know the work.

  1. Aquaponics Business

Aquaponics business is related to agriculture business, it is highly profitable. Once invested in this business, you will surely have the profit that you desire. But, first of all, you have to learn about this business and then come up with your own business plan and strategy.

  1. Funeral Home business

Funeral home business is a very profitable business, despite the fact that it has to do with human emotions; it is also a good money fetcher.

  1. Pizza business

Pizza business is becoming more popular these days, and it is also very profitable. This is a business which you can start with a small amount of capital and still make huge profit at the end.

  1. Solar panel repair business

Solar panel business, although requires a technical know-how is another profitable business in this list. It is a business that quarantines good profit, especially for those that are passionate about technology.

  1. Consignment Business

Consignment business has been around for a very long period of time. You do not need to be and expert before going into this business, if you are zealous about this business, then you will definitely make it to the top.

  1. Cupcake Business

Cake business, especially cupcake business is a very trendy and profitable business. This is because many people cannot stay a single day without consuming cake.

  1. Boutique Business

Boutique business is very profitable business in Nigeria, despite the fact of economic recession in the country. All what you need are good supplier, materials that are in the trend, and then you are good to go.

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