50 Best Small Scale Business ideas in Nigeria for 2019 Some people may think that having a capital is the biggest challenge in setting up a business. But come to think of it this way, if you do not have the idea of what business will fit you and how much you will be making out of the business, then what is the essence of your capital? Once you have an idea of what business you intend to start, it is now time to start doing feasibility study about the business, and what would be required legally. After you might have done that, then go ahead and develop a good business plan and strategy, if you cannot do that yourself you can always hire a professional to do it for you. You can now see that having a good business idea is mandatory if you want to succeed in your business. So as an entrepreneur or a small business owner that you want to become, business idea should come into your mind first before sourcing for capital. This article will list some of the businesses that you can...
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